【政治社論】"The Conservative Mind" 簡化版本 - 第一章 24/08/03





Belief in a transcendent order or body of natural law that rules society as well as conscience. There is objective truth in the universe, and we can know it. Further, it is the great object of politics to apprehend and apply true Justice to a “community of souls.”



Affection for the variety and mystery of human existence, as opposed to the narrow uniformity and egalitarianism of “radical” systems. Conservatives are convinced that life is worth living, as Kirk was fond of saying, and, unlike liberals, do not seek to force sameness upon humanity.



Conviction that civilized society needs the rule of law and the middle class, in contrast to the notion of a “classless society.” Conservatives believe there are natural distinctions among men, leading to inequalities of condition. Conservatives affirm equality before God and the courts; anything more leads to “servitude and boredom.”




Freedom and property are linked: without private property, the state is unstoppable. Redistribution of wealth, by taxes or othermeans, is not economic progress. Men need property to secure their rights, discharge their duties, and limit government.




Faith in prescription and distrust of those calculating men who would reconstruct all of society according to their own abstract designs. A conservative believes things are the way they are for a good reason: past generations have passed on customs and conventions that stood the test of time. Customs serve as a check on anarchy and the lust for power.




Recognition that change may not be a good thing. Hasty innovation can destroy as well as improve, so conservatives are prudent with their changes and approach reform with caution rather than zeal.



(1) 相信人類的完美性,(2) 蔑視傳統,追求政治平等和經濟平等,(3) 可能還抱有關於國家起源的世俗觀點。


(1) The belief in man’s perfectibility, (2)contempt for tradition, political leveling, and economic leveling, (3) with a secular view of the state’s origins perhaps thrown in,serve as well as can be expected to identify the radicals in our midst. Kirk slaps them with what is for him a searing indictment: they are in love with change.


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