【政治社論】"The Conservative Mind" 簡化版本 - 第二章 24/08/04


第二章講解了Edmund Burke,保守主義之父,以及Burke的著作《我對法國大革命的反思》Reflections on the Revolution in France


p. 3
Reform, then, needed to be cautious, reverent, and prudent, or else it might destroy where it ought to improve.

conservatism on the belief that first principles in the moral sphere come to us through revelation and intuition, not the fanciful speculations of dreamy philosophers.

保守主義認為, first principles in the moral sphere (道德領域的第一原則?)通過神的啟示啟發和直覺來到我們面前,而不是那些華而不實的哲學家的空想。

According to Burke, if we are to know the state, we must first know the man as a spiritual being. Burke saw society as a creation of Divine providence. God’s will for political man is known “through the prejudices and traditions which millennia of human experience with divine means and judgments have implanted in the mind of the species," and so arrogant faith in frail human reason deserves scorn.

根據伯克的說法,如果我們要了解國家,我們必須先認為人類是spiritual being。伯克將社會視為上帝天意的創造。上帝對政治人的旨意,是通過「數千年人類經驗中以神聖手段和判斷植入人類思想的成見和傳統」而得知的。所以,應該輕蔑那些視人類理性為脆弱之狂妄信念。

To Burke, it was impious for man to elevate his isolated intellect against the collected wisdom of human history and plan a utopia built to his specifications.



Unlike the thinkers of the Enlightenment, Burke was unwilling to dismiss discussions of first principles and moral philosophy. For him, either we are sinful creatures, made by God but fallen, or we are adrift in a moral vacuum, subject to the whims of the strongest.


The following quotationof Burke’s best sums up his views:

> "the awful Author of our being is the author of our place in the order of existence; and that having disposed and marshalled us by a divine tactic, not according to our will, but according to His, He has, in and by that disposition, virtually subjected us to act the part which belongs to the part assigned to us. We have obligations to mankind at large, which are not in consequence of any special voluntary pact. They arise from the relation of man to man, and the relation of man to God, which relations are not a matter of choice…. When we marry, the choice is voluntary, but the duties are not a matter of choice…The instincts which give rise to this mysterious process of nature are not of our making. But out of physical causes, unknown to us, perhaps unknowable, arise moral duties, which, as we are able perfectly to comprehend, we are bound indispensably to perform."


> 「我們可敬的造物主是我們在存在秩序中的位置的創造者;祂用神聖的策略將我們安排和引導,不是根據我們的意願,而是根據祂的意志。通過這種安排,祂實際上使我們承擔起屬於我們所分配角色的責任。我們對整個人類有義務,而這不是因為任何特殊的自願契約而產生的。這些義務源於人與人之間的關係以及人與上帝之間的關係,而這些關係並非可以選擇的事....…當我們結婚時,選擇是自願的,但義務卻不是選擇的結果......引發這種自然神秘過程的本能不是我們所能掌控的。然而,從我們未知、甚至可能無法知曉的物理原因中,產生了道德義務。這些道德義務是我們能夠完全理解的,因此我們必須無可置疑地履行。」


For him, statesmen were far more than representatives of the people, elected to do their bidding; their tasks are sacred, their offices consecrated to the betterment of future generations and the observance of immortal truth.


society was a sacred thing, a tacit agreement between the dead, the living, and the yet unborn, to be protected and nurtured for ends that do not all bring immediate gain.


The church must consecrate public office and instill veneration for the world as God has given it to us. While the church may not need the state to survive, the state surely needs the church, for, as Kirk put it, “true religion is not merely an expression of national spirit; it rises far superior to earthly law, being, indeed, the source of all law.”



Burke, had to answer the following questions: What is the foundation of authority in politics? How may men judge the prudence and justice of any particular act? The supernatural realm does not micromanage the routine details of earthly life, so where are men to look for guidance on political judgments? Burke had an answer: the collective wisdom of mankind through millennia of experience and meditation, taught by Providence — in other words, tradition. Man ought to have respect in his everyday decisions for the customs and laws of mankind and apply them with expediency.


Burke did not trust reason to keep most men in line, for most men, he suspected, did not employ the rational  faculty at all, and those who tried often did so without sufficient education.


If men began altering the constitution of their state whenever they wanted, no generation would link with another.


Did Burke expect men to resist all temptation to change, then? Far from it — properly guided, change is a process of renewal. Burkean change is a slow, loving process of patching and polishing the old order of things,


Burke rejected the Enlightenment doctrine of the natural rights of man, including Locke’s and Rousseau’ teachings.

Man’s rights had not to do with what was owed him, but rather what man owed his Maker.


Burke, rejecting the above figures as well as the teachings of Hume and Bentham, instead defined natural right as human custom conforming to divine intent. He denounced the idea of an idyllic, free state of nature, from which man voluntarily came into society, there to critique its laws by the rights he supposedly had beforehand. Neither history nor tradition sustains the idea of a primeval paradise such as the philosophes posited. Instead we must muddle along as best we can, seeking to conform our laws to those of God, recognizing our limitations and respecting the prescriptive rights handed down by our forebears.


We have rights, to be sure, but Burke saw nothing but danger in attempting to judge what he called the chartered rights of civilized men by an abstracted notion of the rights of primitive man.



Social man has given up any claim to absolute autonomy to gain a measure of peace and security; and to the benefits of that society man does have a right, but that right must be define by convention, and by august tradition.



Social and political equality, however, were not among what Burke considered to be man’s real natural rights.


Is there a sort of equality with which God has endowed us? Yes, Burke replies, though only one sort: moral
equality. Men are judged fairly by their Creator; no man has more innate value as a human being than any other. As for every other measurement, such as wealth, birth, intelligence, and beauty, we are unequal.


men have no natural right to majority rule, because not all men are born  qualifications (education, moral nature, tradition, property)


“The will of the many, and their interest, must very often differ; and great wil l be the difference when they make an evil choice.”


The point to learn from Burke is that such wide-spread political power is the result of expediency, not moral argument.


“political equality is therefore in some sense unnatural, Burke concludes; and aristocracy, on the other hand, is in a certain sense natural."


 【Edmund Burke對於貴族的定義】



To be bred in a place of estimation; to see nothing low  and sordid from one’s infancy; to be taught to respect one’s self; to be habituated to the censorial inspection of the public eye; to look early to public opinion; to stand upon such elevated ground as to be enabled to take a large view of the widespread and infinitely diversified combinations of men and affairs in a large society; to have leisure to read, to reflect, to converse; to be enabled to draw the court and attention of the wise and learned wherever they are to be found; to be habituated in the pursuit of honour and duty; to be formed to the highest degree of  vigilance, foresight, and circumspection, in a state of things in which no fault is committed with impunity, and the slightest mistakes draw on the most ruinous consequences; to be led to a guarded and regulated conduct, from a sense that you are considered as an instructor of your fellowcitizens in their highest concerns, and that you act as a reconciler between God and man; to be employed as an administrator of law and justice, and to be thereby amongst the first benefactors to mankind; to be a professor of high science, or of liberal and ingenious art; to be amongst rich traders, who from their success are presumed to have sharp and vigorous l understandings, and to possess the virtues of diligence, order, constancy, and regularity, and to have cultivated an habitual regard to commutative justice — these are the circumstances of men, that form what I should call a natural aristocracy, without which there is no nation.

> Russell Kirk, The Conservative Mind, Seventh Revised Edition. Washington, DC: Regnery (1985), p. 23.

order ensures the vitality of civil society. adapt and trim and prune the old order to deal reconstruct our way of life to suit revolutionary abstractions.


Perhaps the greatest monument to Burke’s brilliance and moral leadership was that there was no English Revolution in the late 18th century.



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